
                     ugiula logo 2


In UGI ULA (in English: Intangible Patrimony Management Unit of the Universidad de Los Andes) we join teachers and researchers in the process of identifying the protectable intangible goods represented by scientific, literary and artistic work. UGI ULA helps identifying these works when they become concrete in copyrighting, patents and trademarks according to the existing legal mechanisms.

  • Rector's office
  • ULA Crest
  • Identity
  • ULA Trademark


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Our logo is represented by a graphic sign, as a result of a creative-investigative work regulated by the graphic design laws. The logo includes the abbreviation UGI and the acronym ULA, both under the image of an umbrella that typifies the mission and vision of the unit in a simple way.


UGI ULA is currently working on the following projects:

ULA trademark

The Project ULA Trademark aims to work as an "umbrella" under which all the products and services generated in the Universidad de Los Andes are protected (identified and located).


Astrid Uzcategui, teacher in the Universidad de Los Andes, is also the Head of UGI ULA. For her, "researching is a complex process that requires diverse professional assistance in order to cover different stages: On the one hand the search of funding, the creation of the programs, projects and activities of the investigation and the terms and modalities of the funding contracts; on the other hand the correlation participants-researchers, rights and responsibilities of each parties and the protection of intellectual rights and commercialization of the product".